Reconciliation Initiatives

Reconciling Mission Network

Reconciling Mission Network

Reconciliation Initiatives (RI) offers a network for people who’ve gone through the Reconciling Mission programme. This page sets out the shape of the network, and how to get involved.

Who’s the Reconciling Mission Network for?

The network is for everyone who has completed the Reconciling Mission programme. At the conclusion of the programme, you’ll automatically be added to the Reconciling Mission Network. You can opt out at any point. Even if you move diocese, you can remain in the network.

What’s the purpose of the Reconciling Mission Network?

The network offers graduates of the Reconciling Mission programme the following:

What does the Reconciling Mission Network consist of?

The network consists of the following:

What are the costs and logistics?

You’ll be automatically signed up to the network after you’ve completed the programme. You can opt out of the whole network at any time; or, separately, out of the newsletters and WhatsApp group, both of which are free. The Action Learning Groups, and annual conference and retreat will be individually priced each year; and you’ll be invoiced for whichever of these you sign up for.

While there’s no fee to join the network, RI hopes you’ll want to support what we’re doing. Therefore, we suggest an annual £60 donation to RI (or alternatively £5 a month, if that’s easier, via a Standing Order), which can be done with Gift Aid, to increase the value to RI.

However, you may consider that you can give a larger gift; or that you can only afford a smaller one. Either way, RI is happy for you to decide, and to donate according to your means and inclination. Donations that are kindly made to RI are not ringfenced for specific projects.  For example, donations towards the Reconciling Mission Network help to sustain RI which makes the delivery of programmes and the running of the network possible.

Once you’ve decided what financial gift you’d like to make, you can do this by:

Please contact Becky Gaskin at for any queries regarding payment.


Action Learning Groups online via Zoom:

Reconciling Mission Conference, to include a network gathering as part of the event:

Annual Spiritual Retreat:

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