Reconciliation Initiatives has a vision for how the Church can contribute to addressing inequalities and strengthening relationships in divided societies. Will you join us?

Reconciliation at our heart
Christians often feel embarrassed by conflict and seek to avoid it. Our great diversity and the tensions over our differences can seem debilitating. Yet God is always in the midst of conflict, prompting bridge-building and transformation because the life of God is shaped towards reconciling. The question is how we might discern and contribute to God’s reconciling work, both inside the Church and in the wider world.

Supporting us
Reconciliation Initiatives is raising support to realise our planned Reconciling Mission programmes. We need your help.

About us
Reconciliation Initiatives seeks to equip Anglican Christians and their churches to contribute to greater reconciliation in society.

Catch up with the latest news from RI, and look back on our past newsletters to track our activities.
Moira Astin, Chair of Trustees
‘The apostle Paul affirms that “God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, … has given us the ministry of reconciliation” (2 Cor 5:18). Any proclamation of the good news of a renewed relationship with God through the work of Jesus, needs to go hand in hand with living lives at peace with each other, marked by mutuality and justice; and offering that experience to our world as a gift from God. Reconciliation Initiatives offers ways for us to realise more of this in the local communities served by our Anglican churches.’