Transform local communities within your diocese

Join the Reconciling Mission 2024 programme Are you passionate about addressing social issues of inequality or injustice? Do you want to foster greater reconciliation within your local community? You could do so through being part of a diocesan group that joins the 5th cohort of our Reconciling Mission 18-month programme. This is designed to empower … Read more

Newsletter #10 – March 2024

Dark Weeping As we approach Holy Week, it is worth revisiting the experience of Jesus in Gethsemane. In the hours before his arrest and execution, as he prays in the garden, Jesus is deeply disturbed. This disturbance finds expression in his body. Luke records that, “in anguish of spirit he prayed more urgently; and his … Read more

Newsletter #9 – November 2023

The Suffering Servant Writing many centuries ago, the prophet Isaiah spoke of a suffering servant who was oppressed and afflicted, yet did not open his mouth; and who was cut off from the land of the living, and stricken for the transgression of God’s people. Early Jewish theologians saw Israel as the suffering servant, journeying … Read more

Newsletter #8 – July 2023

Cultivating Fruitful Soil Soil which bears good fruit typically needs some effort at cultivation. It will likely benefit from the addition of nutrients and organic matter. It will also need to be tilled. The same is true if our churches are to be places of fruitfulness. In our Reconciling Mission programme we highlight the benefits … Read more

Newsletter #7 – April 2023

Risen? On Easter Day we boldly proclaimed that Christ is risen. But, as the first witnesses questioned, what does ‘risen’ actually mean? What does Christ’s resurrection mean for those on the sharp end of the cost of living crisis? Or for those who’ve fled crises in their home country and are landing on England’s beaches, and … Read more

Newsletter #6 – February 2023

New Chapters? A new year can provide an opportunity to start a new chapter. After three and half years with RI, our administrator, Debbie Niblett is taking up the opportunity of a full-time role with Coventry Diocese. It’s good news for Debbie. And means a new chapter for RI as we recruit a new half-time … Read more

Newsletter #5 – September 2022

A Life of Service ‘A life of service’ has kept recurring in the commentaries about Queen Elizabeth II. As the nation has mourned her death, we have been reminded that a life well-lived is one which is given in service of others. Like Elizabeth, if we choose such a path, we are also following Jesus, … Read more

Newsletter #4 – June 2022

Reconciling Mission Taster Programme

The Spirit blows where it chooses The Holy Spirit can’t be controlled. But we can attune ourselves to the way that the Spirit is blowing, listening to how it’s at work in the world, and seeking to align ourselves and join in with what God is doing. That’s at the heart of what we facilitate … Read more

Newsletter #3 – April 2022

Christ is Risen! A very happy Easter to you. We hope that your journey through Lent, Holy Week and Easter has been blessed by drawing closer to God. May you know the risen Christ breathing the Holy Spirit upon you during this Easter season. In this newsletter, we share some of the exciting new developments for … Read more

Newsletter #2 – January 2022

Happy New Year! A very happy New Year to you. Welcome to our second newsletter, and our first of 2022. May this be a year in which you experience more of God’s reconciling love, and are part of sharing that love within the communities and neighbourhoods that you are part of. New Chair of Trustees: Moira … Read more

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